发布时间:2018-10-12 作者:Dr. Jian Wang 来源: 浏览次数:
受刘楚明教授邀请,Dr. Jian Wang做了题为“Understanding and Modeling Deformation Twinning in Hexagonal Metals”的学术报告。报告中,Dr. Jian Wang基于多年的课题研究,根据原子模型和原位显微观察,对变形孪晶的成核、传播和相互作用及其对力学行为的影响的基本理解,预测在微观尺度、中间尺度和宏观尺度上的模型的发展。解释了在六边形结构中,套圈的成核、传播和相互作用机制比在立方结构中更为复杂的原因。报告结束后,Dr. Jian Wang与在场师生进行了热烈的交流,细心回答了现场所提出的问题,现场气氛十分活跃。
Dr. Jian Wang is a professor of Mechanical and Materials Engineering al the Universityof Nebraska-Lincoln since 2015. He reccived his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA, in 2006; then he worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory as Technical Staff Member for 9 years, His research interests are focusing on quantitative exploring the structure propertics relationships of structural and nanostructured materials using muli-scale theory, modeling and experimental methods and techniques. He was awarded the LANL Distinguished Postdoctoral Performance Award(2009). the LDRD/Early Carcer Award (2011). TMS MPMD Young Lcader Award (2013).and International Plasticity Young Rescarch Award (2015). He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed jourmal articles and delivered 100+ invitedkeynote lectures. 解释了在六边形结构中,套圈的成核、传播和相互作用机制比在立方结构中更为复杂的原因。解释了在六边形结构中,套圈的成核、传播和相互作用机制比在立方结构中更为复杂的原因。