发布时间:2018-07-10 作者:Dongyang Li 教授(加拿大阿尔伯特大学) 来源: 浏览次数:
本次报告会题目为“探索电子功函数在材料分析和设计中的应用”。会议伊始,Dongyang Li教授简要介绍了阿尔伯特大学地理位置及其研究方向。提出一种电子功函数应用于材料分析和设计。首先介绍了电子功函数概念及如何测试电子功函数;然后详细的讲述了采用电子功函数表征材料的摩擦变化,从表面纳米化、估算纳米晶表面屈服点、判断保护涂层的断裂韧性和磨损诊断四个方面展开论述。最后介绍了材料设计中电子功函数的参数变化,应用在金属材料晶界处和非金属碳化物中电子功函数的变化。报告结束后,Dongyang Li教授与在场师生进行了热烈的交流,细心回答了学生与老师提出的问题,现场气氛十分热烈。
Dr. D.Y. Li is a Professor at Dept. of Chemical & Materials Eng., University of Alberta. His interests of research include surfaces and interfaces, tribo-materials, nano-materials, and computational materials science. Dr. Li obtained a B.Sc. in Solid Mechanics from University of Science and Technology China (1982), a M.Sc. in Solid-State Physics from Zhongshan University (1985), a PhD in Materials Physics from University of Science and Technology Beijing (1990) and a PhD in Metallurgical Engineering from McGilil University (1995). Before joining U. of Alberta in 1998, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Pennsylvania State University (1995-97). He is an Adjunct Professor in the Dept. of Biomedical Eng., U. of Alberta. a visiting professor at National University of Singapore (2004, 2012) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2011) as well as a visiting scientist at Biophysics group in the National Institute of Communication Technology Japan (2005) during his sabbatical years. Dr. Li has considerable collaboration with universities in China. He is a foreign doctoral advisor at the Harbin Institute of Technology, a 100-Talents Program Awardee (2013-2016, Shanxi, China), and Professor Lectures – Chutian Scholars Program (Hubei). He is on editorial board for 10 technical journals, including Scientific Reports, Tribology Surface, Interfaces and Materials, and intl. J. of Corrosion, etc. Dr. Li has in excess of three hundred and thirty technical publications, including nearly three hundred journal publications.