发布时间:2016-12-04 作者:Jon Molina-Aldareguia 来源: 浏览次数:
2016年12月1日周四上午10:00,中南大学必赢线路检测3003青年科协联合院研究生会举办的青年学术沙龙第191场在化学楼210顺利举行,本次学术沙龙的主讲人为Jon Molina-Aldareguia 教授,必赢线路检测3003师生到场参加。
报告会题目为“Micro and Nanomechanical Testing as a Useful Tool to Enable Fast and Efficient Design of Structural Materials”。首先,Jon Molina-Aldareguia 教授向我们介绍了其在金属-金属纳米多层膜、金属-陶瓷纳米多层膜、镁合金、镍基高温合金和钛铝金属间化合物等相关领域所开展的研究工作。并且谈到,在过去的二十几年,纳米压痕技术及相关的微纳米力学性能测试手段得到了广泛的研究。迄今为止,相当部分的研究都是为了揭示材料在微纳米尺度下变形行为的尺寸效应的内在机理。此外,该测试手段还能应用于研究材料内部单个相的力学性能,从而得到基于材料显微组织的多尺度变形模型,为材料基因组计划的推进提供有力支撑。要实现这一目标,我们需要明晰小尺寸样品测试手段的优缺点,建立小尺寸样品和宏观尺寸样品测试结果之间的关联,进而将这一研究手段应用于高低温领域,表征材料在使役温度下的力学性能。报告会最后,Jon Molina-Aldareguia 教授与在场师生进行了热切的交流讨论,细心回答了大家提出的问题,全场掌声热裂,气氛十分活跃。
Jon M. Molina-Aldareguia is senior researcher and group leader in Nanomechanics
and Micromechanics of Advanced Materials at IMDEA Materials Institute. Dr.
Molina, a Fulbright scholar, got his Ph.D. at Cambridge University in 2002.
Before joining IMDEA Materials Institute in 2008, he was tenured researcher at
CEIT and Associate Professor of Materials Science at the University of Navarre.
He has held post-doctoral positions at the Department of Physics, University of
Link?ping and Intel Corporation. His current research interests are focused in
the mechanical testing and the study of deformation mechanisms of advanced
structural materials at different length scales, from macroscopic to the mm and
nm scale, with the aim of understanding deformation mechanisms and measuring
fundamental deformation behavior that can later be used as input in multiscale
models of material behavior. He has participated on over 20 research projects
and has published over 80 papers in international journals, holding an h-index
of 22.